Heat Related ER Visits

The state was mighty hot Monday and Tuesday, with highs in the 90’s to near 100.    

State health leaders are concerned that hotter summers are going to mean busier emergency rooms at hospitals.  Even just the last couple days, more people have been going to ER’s for reasons tied to the heat…

State figures show nearly 500 Coloradoans went to hospitals for treatment of heat issues last year, but a decade ago, those numbers were usually around 300 per year.  One UC Health doctor, Genevieve Hillis, takes note of  the trend over her career…

230719 Dr Hillis- maybe not prepared                :11                    Q:…100-degree days…

Several state agencies are said to be working together to address extreme heat.  The state health department says it has a group looking at strategies to maximize shade, including planting more trees in key positions and locations.  Authorities say Tuesday’s ER visitors included many members of the homeless community, who obviously have less access to shelter.

Heat Related ER Visits
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