3 Day Waiting

Another flap over firearms in the state…

(Three Day Waiting Period                                :39)

A new state law took effect Sunday, making Coloradoans wait at least 3 days to physically get a gun, after buying it.  The gun-rights group Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is already suing over that.  In fact, it’s now filed a second lawsuit over that policy.  The law was passed in April, requiring firearms sellers to wait 3 days before giving buyers their guns.  Proponents argue that the waiting period prevents impulsive acts of violence, including suicides.  The gun owners’ group claims the new statute tramples on their 2nd Amendment rights, even if only for 3 days.  They previously sued to stop it earlier this year, but a federal judge sided against them, saying no one could be harmed by a law that at that time, wasn’t yet in force.  RMGO dropped the suit at that point, and re-filed it Sunday.

3 Day Waiting
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