Moose Attack

A Boulder County woman feels lucky to be alive, after getting stomped on by a moose this week.  She was just out walking her dog, when the giant animal charged her from behind…

(Moose Attack wrap                                      :48)

Living in Ward, Chris Ray had been familiar with big animals like moose.  They came by her house all the time, looking in the windows and such, with no problems.  But Wednesday, that changed.  Ray had thought she’d be able to avoid or handle an outdoor moose encounter, but that’s not how things went, on the St. Vrain Trail…

230922 C Ray- it was one                                           :08                  Q:…charging us…

Ray says that female moose caught her from behind, and stomped on her several times…

230922 C Ray- multiple injuries                                :07                   Q:…kidney area…

Chris now needs hiking poles, just to get around inside her house.  She says she can’t stand up or sit down without that support.  She adds a positive though, that her 3-year-old dog who was with her, is OK, after sidestepping the moose when she was charged several times. 

TAG–  After the attack on Ray, Colorado Parks & Wildlife shared a warning at the trail.  Chris thinks she got injured because the moose’s calf was nearby.  Even with all those injuries, she managed to walk about a quarter mile from the scene to get help.  She adds she’s grateful CPW didn’t put the moose down, because she was likely just trying to protect her calf.

Moose Attack
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