Colorado 9-11 Tributes

Many Coloradoans gathered Monday to remember the horrific events of September 11th, 2001…

(Sept 11 Tribute Events                                        :48)

Nearly 3 thousand people, among them unsuspecting airline passengers, along with firefighters and people who’d simply gone to work at New York’s former World Trade Center, were killed that day, and many more died later of 9-11-related illnesses.  Many people across Colorado got together to remember those who were lost, the victims and the heroes.  At Red Rocks Amphitheater, people took 9 laps around it, the equivalent of the 110 stories of the trade center towers.  In downtown Denver, a 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb was held, with 343 firefighters in full gear, going up 110 stories in a local office building.  343 was the number of firefighters who died on that September 11th.  Derek Gruendler is a firefighter from Clifton…

230912 D Gruendler- what they went through                     :12                   Q:…for us…

And at Colorado Springs, firefighters and other citizens headed up the 27 hundred steps of the Manitou Incline, in another tribute.  They took the first step at 6:46 in the morning mountain time, the exact moment the first of the hijacked jetliners hit the twin towers in New York 22 years ago.

Colorado 9-11 Tributes
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