Arrest Payouts

Only two weeks after a nearly 5-million-dollar settlement to people arrested during the racial justice protests of 2020, Denver has agreed to pay out another million bucks…

(Denver Paying Big                                          :35)

Last night, city council agreed to settle lawsuits with a half-dozen people, over how police handled the demonstrations that arose from the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota.  The demonstrators say officers hurt them, with pepper spray, projectiles, and more.  The new settlements range from 50 thousand dollars to 350 thousand.  In total, Denver’s now paid out some 4 million dollars over its officers’ excesses during those protests, settled another class-action suit for nearly 5 million two weeks ago, and then there’s the big one–  a 14-million-dollar jury verdict against the city, that hasn’t yet been paid.  The Denver city attorney’s office tells reporters, it’s appealing that decision.

Arrest Payouts
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