Too Hot for Learning?

And while it’s been so hot this week, the question is being asked, “how hot is too hot, for learning?”…

(Denver Schools Too Hot wrap                                            :52)

The state’s biggest school district, Denver Public, said it was too hot for a full day of classes Wednesday in at least a dozen of its buildings, and sent students home early.  It’s been learned, however, that when one school thought that would be a good idea, the district wouldn’t let Traylor Elementary in southwest Denver send its kids home.  The teachers union there says the principal had asked for a shorter day due to the heat, and was told “no” because her building wasn’t hot enough, with only 1 classroom above 85 degrees.  Some students had gotten sick in the high temperatures and went home because of it.  Rob Gould, head of the Denver Classroom Teachers Association, says district leaders in air-conditioned offices shouldn’t be making those calls…

230824 R Gould- should be at buildings                   :11                       Q:…to the students…

The Denver district wouldn’t tell reporters exactly how many schools asked to send kids home due to the heat, but were denied. 

Too Hot for Learning?
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