Unemployment Pay Delays

The state says the ongoing unemployment mess is on them, but a fix is easier said than done.  Colorado says thousands aren’t getting the jobless benefits they deserve, due to an unintended result of the state’s crackdown on fraud… 

(Unemployment Glitches wrap                                        :52)

Now the state’s trying to figure out how to adjust, as many of the unemployed watch their savings run out.  One example of that is Tony Martinez, who lost his tech job back in March, started getting unemployment payments, and then the money stopped…

230818 T Martinez- no help                          :06                               Q:…the other end…

The state put what it calls a “program integrity hold” on his account.  The Labor Department says it boosted its fraud protection as high as possible, after a rise in reported fraud last spring.  Real fraud went way down, but some people like Tony with legitimate claims got hurt, too.  The department says it’s now adjusting filters, to catch fraudulent claims, while not holding up legitimate ones.  It’s already released 5 thousand real claims, and plans to allow another 4 thousand this week.  But many more, like Martinez’, remain under review…

230818 T Martinez- the hardest part                              :04                               Q:…the hardest part…

He can’t wait much longer, with savings dwindling, while the state tries to determine if he’s a real person. 

Unemployment Pay Delays
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