West Nile – Mosquito Population

 Lots of folks have been commenting on Colorado’s vastly increased mosquito population this year.  Experts say they’re showing up in unprecedented numbers for the state…

(West Nile Mosquitos wrap                                  :56)

As a result of that, Colorado’s seeing a sharp increase in the number of West Nile Virus cases.  So far this year, 36 people have been sickened by it this year.  This lady caught it in ’22…

230814 L Montez- West Nile in ’22                            :11                                Q:…worse and worse and worse…

That’s Lisa Montez, one of more than 200 Coloradoans sickened by West Nile last year.  She says she got the whole nine yards–  the rash, the migraines, and even struggled to keep her balance, and to drive.  Lisa ended up in a hospital, and a year later says she’s still fighting fatigue, even though she can drive again…

230814 L Montez- really, use the spray                     :11                                Q:…is worth it…

Health experts say Colorado’s cool, wet spring this year created the perfect conditions for West Nile-carrying mosquitos to breed.  They started finding West Nile cases in people a full month earlier this year than normal. 

West Nile – Mosquito Population
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