K.P. Strike

As promised, thousands of Kaiser Permanente (per-muh-NEN-tay) employees are in the middle of a 3-day strike, here in Colorado and nationwide…

(Kaiser Striker wrap                                       :56)

Unable to reach agreement on a new contract, those workers walked off the job Wednesday.  They’re calling for better staffing, improved patient care, and higher wages.  A total of about 75 thousand workers will be off their Kaiser jobs through Friday, including several thousand in Colorado.  Lupe Azure (LOO-pay ah-SOOR) is out there, picketing a job she’s loved for years…

231005 L Azure- top priority                          :03                               Q:…they’re family…

Azure works in patient transport, which in Denver is now down to a department of…  one…

231005 L Azure-  no help                               :10                               Q:…me any help…

She says she’s been burned out by a lack of staffing that started about 3 years ago, working through the pandemic.  Azure says the company seems to have forgotten about many of its workers…

231005 L Azure- want to do more                  :09                               Q:…and we can’t…

She and fellow employees say while they’ll lose money these 3 days and have bills to pay, they don’t plan to lose hope. 

TAG–  Kaiser says while it hasn’t yet reached a deal with the coalition of unions, there are some tentative agreements, including pay hikes in markets nationwide for the next 4 years.  Here in Colorado, the company says it’ll offer a minimum wage of 21 dollars an hour, and it’s already hired 10 thousand coalition-represented workers so far this year.  The unions say it’s possible the strike could be extended, to as long as 2 weeks.

K.P. Strike
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