Buck on Impeachment

Northern Colorado Congressman Ken Buck’s opposition to an effort to impeach President Biden seems to be leading to more infighting, within Buck’s Republican Party…

(Rep Buck Disagrees with Fellow R’s                                                      :33)

Buck slammed members of his own party in a Washington Post op-ed in the past week, saying he doesn’t see any evidence that shows then-Vice-President Biden profited from his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings.  Buck says any such “evidence” on the subject so far is in his words, “fictitious,” and “imagined history.”  Now the Vice-Chairman of southern Colorado’s El Paso County Republican party is calling Buck “unfit for public office,” and that Vice-Chair, not from his district, says the party will do whatever’s possible to prevent Buck’s re-election next year.  CNN reported over the weekend some Republicans are already actively looking for a candidate to challenge Buck. 

Buck on Impeachment
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