Evergreen Wildfire

The Labor Day holiday weekend concluded a bit early for some residents of Evergreen.  Folks in the “Summit Ranch” neighborhood there were ordered to evacuate their homes out of caution, after a small wildfire broke out late Monday afternoon.  Deputies went door-to-door to alert folks living in that area… 

(Mon Foothills Fire wrap                                       :46)

What’s now known as the “Rainbow Fire” only burned about an acre along Summit Ranch Drive, but firefighters were still on that scene overnight, keeping an eye out for hot spots.  Fire Lieutenant Mike Anders…

230905 Lt M Anders- big fuel loads                                       :09                   Q:…rapid fire growth…

It was another reminder to residents there to always be ready.  Local Jason Harris says after a couple decades living in the foothills, his family’s taken all the steps they can, but try not to get consumed by worry…

230905 J Harris- when not if                                                 :04                   Q:…and not if…

And because of that being the way things are in those neighborhoods, firefighters like Anders remind everyone living in those areas to keep “go bags” ready at all times, try to mitigate dry brush around their homes, follow local emergency agencies on social media, and sign up to get emergency alerts on their phones.

Evergreen Wildfire
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