CDOT Trucker Training

There’s more action being taken to improve road safety.  CDOT is releasing today a series of videos, to prepare truck drivers from elsewhere for driving Colorado roads for the first time.  The state realizes that by the time many of those new drivers realize something’s wrong, it’s often too late for them to correct a problem…

(Safer Trucking Videos wrap                                       :50)

CDOT’s hoping to get those out-of-staters prepared for safety challenges on the roads before they get here.  Colorado Motor Carriers Association President Greg Fulton acknowledges the state’s mountain highways do present unique safety concerns and challenges for truckers …

230807 G Fulton- unique situation                           :10                   Q:…hundred mile stretch…

230807 Trucker video open                                       :03                   Q:…video series…

That’s why CDOT’s prepared these new videos aimed at truckers, with help from the State Patrol and Fulton’s group.  He says up to 92% of runaway truck incidents, for example, can be attributed to out-of-state drivers.  The video topics include safe winter driving plus how to put chains on; navigating construction zones; and yes, those hot brakes.  Fulton’s confident that if drivers unfamiliar with Colorado watch, the videos will work…

230807 G Fulton- watch and be safe                         :04                   Q:…every time…

CDOT Trucker Training
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