Carbon Storage

Researchers are now getting millions of dollars for their efforts to figure out whether farms can help clean up the atmosphere…

The federal Agriculture Department recently announced new funding, aimed at learning just how much planet-warming carbon can be stored, right in the soil.  One theory is that if you till the soil less, and grow crops that can hold it in place, more carbon can be contained in the ground, rather than letting it get into the air.  Farmers like Brad Wetli are already working with the idea…

230717 B Wetli- farm to fight climate change                       :07                               Q:…in my pocket…

He and others say the challenge now will be to determine just how much carbon ends up back in the soil, so farmers like him can be compensated for it.  Currently the process is said to be very technical and time-consuming.  Researchers hope some new investment from the federal government can help lead to simpler solutions and answers. 

Carbon Storage
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