Student Loan Payback

Hundreds of thousands of Coloradoans who have student loans will soon have to start paying them back in 3 months, with no loan forgiveness from the federal government…

(Supremes On Student Loans wrap                              :47)

A Supreme Court decision that came down on the issue last week now has the Biden administration and borrowers changing plans.  According to the White House, almost 300 thousand Coloradoans qualify for the student debt relief program the high court struck down last Friday.  Now, many of those folks will have to start paying again.  Student loan attorney Karen Cody-Hopkins…

230703 K Cody-Hopkins- it’s complex                      :05                   Q:… 45 million people…

That, of course, is the size of the loan program nationwide.  She started helping those who couldn’t get their student loans discharged back in 2006, and hasn’t stopped yet…

230703 K Cody-Hopkins-  all kinds of clients           :10                   Q:…really complicated…

And she says the complications only got worse Friday, when the Supreme Court struck down the program itself.  But she adds new programs President Biden announced shortly after the ruling will have a positive impact on many Americans.  She points to one that offers zero-dollar payments for some borrowers as an example.  Cody-Hopkins adds the system may be broken, but it’s heading toward better solutions.

Student Loan Payback
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