A criminal investigation’s underway at a small middle school, and four staff members are on administrative leave…
(Elizbeth Schools Probe wrap :57)
The Elizabeth school district’s public information officer is Jason Hackett, who says a situation arose there, months ago…
231110 J Hackett- complaints from previous school year :10 Q:…in the spring…
He’s not detailing what those complaints were about, but the district says they should’ve been reported immediately, under Colorado’s mandatory reporting law. Hackett says when the district found out about those students’ concerns months later, however, it did take action…
231110 J Hackett- probe underway :10 Q:…what happened…
Elizabeth Police say due to a conflict of interest, the 18th Judicial District’s prosecutors are handling that probe, not the locals. The 18th isn’t able to share details, and the school district isn’t revealing just who is on leave, either. However, the middle school principal is one of them, since the news release does say Elizabeth High’s Assistant Principal Kimberly Runyan is taking over at the middle school on an interim basis.
OPTIONAL TAG– Some retired teachers are also being brought in, to fill some of the suspended staffers’ positions. Parents will be able to ask questions at a public forum next Wednesday, or they can stop by to directly ask the superintendent about what’s going on.