Speaker Vote

Greeley Republican Congressman Ken Buck helped prevent conservative Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio from becoming Speaker of the House Tuesday…

(Buck v Other Republicans                          :45)

Buck was one of 20 Republicans who didn’t vote for Jordan.  Buck wants Jordan to denounce ex-President Donald Trump’s lies about so-called “election rigging” that didn’t happen, but Jordan refuses.  Buck spoke to CNN about it all…

231018 K Buck- can’t go with big lie                          :14                               Q:…was okay…

Jordan didn’t answer reporters’ questions about that in the halls of the Capitol Tuesday.  Buck’s insistence that his fellow Republicans give up on Trump’s so-called “big lie” puts him at odds with current Colorado party leaders, who also claim the 2020 election of President Biden didn’t happen.  The state party’s calling for Buck to “get in line” and support Jordan.  There’ll be another round of votes in the House today.

Speaker Vote
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