Trial Opening Statements

Opening statements are expected today, in the second trial over the August 2019 death of 23-year-old Elijah McClain…

(Woodyard Trial to Start vxr                                 :37)

The jury was seated Monday for the trial of Aurora Police Officer Nathan Woodyard.  He’s facing a reckless manslaughter charge for what happened that night 4 years ago.  He was the first officer to stop Elijah, as he walked home from a convenience store, not doing anything wrong.  Woodyard grabbed McClain, was heard on bodycam video claiming Elijah was “being suspicious,” then Woodyard and other cops threw him to the ground.  Moments later, paramedics injected McClain with the sedative ketamine (KEHT-uh-meen).  This trial is expected to include many of the same witnesses and much of the same evidence as the first one about the McClain case, that wrapped up last week.  A jury delivered split verdicts in that trial, convicting one officer of multiple crimes, while acquitting another.  

Trial Opening Statements
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