Pediatrician in Gaza

A pediatrician from Grand Junction is stranded on the Gaza Strip, after arriving last Friday for a mission organized by the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund…

(Grand Junction Doc in Gaza wrap                                :36)

Dr Barbara Zind (ZIGH-nd) says she was walking along the beach last Saturday, when she saw some of the first rockets launched from Gaza into Israel.  She quickly returned to her hotel, and has stayed there ever since.  Zind says the area where she’s staying hasn’t been directly hit, but nearby neighborhoods are constantly being bombarded…

231012 Dr B Zind- hard to prepare                            :09                               Q:…(blast) prepared for this…

Zind says she has been in touch with the State Department about potentially leaving Gaza later this week.  She says she’s been on more than half a dozen medical missions previously, none of them involving Israeli air strikes like that one, until now.

Pediatrician in Gaza
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