No Charges- Summit County

A Sheriff’s deputy and a police officer will not face criminal charges in Summit County, after they shot and killed a mentally disturbed 18-year-old back in July…

(No Charges in Summit Incident                          :39)

Charlie Foster had been holding a BB gun handgun at the time of his death.  The authorities say they thought it was a real gun, and the local DA has determined the shooting was justified.  Local 911 callers had also reported seeing the young man with what was thought to be a gun as he walked around their neighborhood in Dillon.  Foster was told several times by authorities to drop the weapon they thought was real.  And 24 hours before all that, his own family had called 911 themselves 4 times, seeking help dealing with him.  He had run away and in their words “gotten violent,” while having anxiety issues.  On the morning Foster died, he’s clearly seen on video raising the BB gun and pointing it at the officers.  Again, prosecutors will not be filing charges in that case.

No Charges- Summit County
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