CO Indictment

Two prominent figures in Colorado Republican politics, attorney Jenna Ellis and former visiting CU Professor John Eastman are indicted as co-conspirators with ex-President Trump, and now have only 9 days left to turn themselves in to authorities in Atlanta…

(Mesa Co-Conspirator Exposed vxr                                  :32)

There may also be a new connection in Tuesday’s indictment to the voting machine breach in Mesa County.  The Trump team reportedly did the same thing in Georgia’s Coffee County that some Republicans did in Mesa County here, illegally gaining access to equipment made by Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems.  It also appears at least one un-indicted co-conspirator, a Conan Hayes, was involved in the Grand Junction breach.  Prosecutors here haven’t firmly said ex-Mesa Clerk Tina Peters coordinated with the Trump campaign on the Mesa incident.  But the guy Peters snuck in there and who made copies of voting machine files was the same guy, Conan Hayes. 

CO Indictment
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